BAW is a collaborative effort by the artists and makers working together. Visual Images Group (VIG) (Committee) provides overall marketing & organisation activities & entrants provide marketing & organisation for their specific venues.
The terms & conditions are in place to help us all continue to have a successful & professional event & aim to be fair to all entrants. Please read the document carefully. If you are not sure what is meant by any of the wording in this document, please contact admin@bucksartweeks.org.uk before applying to take part in BAW.
By applying & entering BAW, you are agreeing to comply with these Terms & conditions.
1. Overall
- Every artist/maker taking part in BAW must have selected and paid for an entry. You must be a VIG member to take part in BAW (unless otherwise stated).
- You may not include in your BAW exhibition/venue any artists/makers, or their artwork/creations, who have not paid for an entry (unless by prior written arrangement with the Chair).
- If you are aware of any venues or individuals who have not paid for a BAW entry and are using BAW signage/support, please let us know.
2. Your entry
- Please make sure you apply & pay for the correct entry.
- An Individual entry is for one artist/maker, for one entry in the Directory.
- A Group entry is for venues with two or more artists/makers (for one entry in the Directory). Or you can have an Individual entry for each artist/maker.
- If two or more artists genuinely collaborate in the production and creation of all their work then it is acceptable to apply as an Individual entry. Evidence may be requested to show that all work for BAW is collaborative.
- (Being trialled for 2025) Second Venue 50% discount if you have paid for an Individual entry & wish to exhibit in a second venue, you will receive a 50% reduction on the second venue. As a minimum, one full day (i.e. 9am – 5pm, 8 hours, no half days) must be spent at the second venue. This discount does not apply to Gallery or Non selling group entries.
- (NEW FOR 2025) Non selling groups (e.g. schools, colleges, or community groups) can apply for a Non selling Group entry. All work must have been created by current students. No work is to have been brought in from external companies or donated to the applying group. No work must be for sale during BAW. The Directory & website will show that there is no work for sale.
- Galleries can submit a Gallery entry, which will be listed in the directory. A ‘gallery’ is defined as one which is not just in place for BAW (i.e. is a gallery all year). Galleries can exhibit multiple artists who have paid for VIG membership & either a group or individual entries.
- You must open your venue for a minimum of 5 full (i.e. 9am – 5pm, or 8 hours) days over the 16 day period. This can be split days; they do not have to be consecutive days.
3. Inputting your entry
- Signage – please only order what you require.
- The VIG Committee reserves the right to decline entries which are deemed not to be in the spirit of BAW e.g. an entry which is predominantly an advertising opportunity for an unrelated business.
- Please ensure that the image you select for inclusion in the directory is suitable for a wider audience including children and is in keeping with a positive BAW image. The image should not include any advertising material such as a banner or logo. The Committee has the right to reject any unsuitable images.
- Please ensure that you proofread your own entry to ensure the data is spelt correctly and is accurate.
- Whilst every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of information included in the BAW directory, website, and promotional material, VIG cannot be held responsible for any omissions or mistakes which occur.
4. Entry deadline
You must complete your application & pay the full fee before 31st of January or risk your entry becoming null and void. No late payments will be accepted. All payment is online payment by credit or debit card, or PayPal.
5. Support marketing of BAW
In addition to your marketing & promotion activities for your venue, please:
- Collect your allocation of BAW printed materials at the notified times and from your nearest agreed collection point (or arrange for someone else to do so on your behalf). These distribution points are manned by Bucks Art Weeks exhibitors – please respect that they are doing this voluntarily so please be punctual.
- Distribute the BAW printed publicity material provided (e.g. directories, posters and leaflets) and generally promote BAW to help create a successful event for everyone. You can see how to do this in our Exhibitors Handbook and by reading our regular emails to members.
- Include the official BAW logo and email address, in a prominent size and position, in all marketing material that you produce to promote your BAW event. The logo is available here on the website. Please go to Help and Resources, then scroll down to ‘Marketing Material’.
6. During BAW
- Your venue must be open for the times specified on your entry form. Any changes must be reported as soon as possible to the Co-ordinator at admin@bucksartweeks.org.uk
- Your venue must be adequately staffed at all times during your publicised opening hours (i.e. you must be present in person at your venue for a minimum of 30% of the published opening hours and have cover for all other times). The only exception is for Gallery entries where their normal staffing & trading hours apply.
- You must have adequate Public Liability insurance cover for the event. VIG does not provide blanket insurance cover for home/private activities because it does not ‘organise and control’ those home/private exhibitions. If you need assistance with this, contact our Co-ordinator who will be happy to help you.
- Your venue must comply with the current Health and Safety Legislation. We strongly advise you to carry out a written health and safety risk assessment for your venue.
- Please ensure your studio/gallery is well presented, safe and welcoming to all visitors and/or members of the public, including the use of good, clear exterior and interior signage and directions – especially on the roadside, if your studio is difficult to find.
- You must take part in our loyalty card scheme during the event. This is the surest way to drive more visitors to all venues – please play your part. You should give out cards to visitors who do not have one, offer to sign for those who do, and send completed cards to us at the end of the event. You can see how the loyalty cards work in our Exhibitors Handbook and our regular emails to members.
7. After BAW
- Please take down all signage and keep in a dry safe place ready to be used again the following year. If you need to dispose of your signage email: admin@bucksartweeks.org.uk. We have had instances where yellow signs have been left out for a number of weeks after the event. This can be misleading to visitors & looks unprofessional.
- Signage (part of or otherwise) must not be used to promote other events at any time.
- Complete and return the Evaluation Form on your overall experience of the event, by the deadline requested. If you are having difficulty completing the form, please contact admin@bucksartweeks.org.uk
8. General
- VIG accepts no liability or responsibility for any business that may ensue from an artist’s membership of VIG or participation in BAW.
- VIG accepts no liability or responsibility for any consequences that may occur as a result of unsolicited marketing companies using published artist contact details from the Bucks Art Weeks website, directory or other print, to get in touch with artists. The website is a marketing tool for artists and is live and online all year round.
- You must promptly notify VIG if any of your contact details change during the year, by sending an email to admin@bucksartweeks.or.uk
9. Cancellation policy
- If an artist/maker wishes to withdraw from BAW before 31st January, 50% of the BAW fee will be refunded.
- No refund of the BAW entry fee will be given for cancellations after 31st January.
- In the event of Force Majeure closure or cancellation of the BAW event by VIG, exhibitors will be notified as soon as possible. Special arrangements will be made, depending on the timing of the closure or cancellation.