Spoon Carving Workshop

Venue, Timing, Cost

Holy Trinity Church, Penn Street, HP7 0PX
Saturday, 15 June, 2024

Spoon Carving is a very rewarding and relaxing hobby, which Jonah firmly believes is best done alongside other people and with no pressure or judgement. These are the only rules for his workshop - along with don't cut yourself or anyone else... please!

This workshop is very much intended for beginners so that by the end of the 4 hours, you will walk away with your very own cooking spoon crafted from local wood.

This workshop promises to be a real tonic... using your hands to create something you can use again and again, from local naturally fallen wood.

Due to the nature of the super sharp tools we will be using for this workshop we recommend that it is unsuitable for children aged under 16.

To book this Workshop or for more information please visit our website https://www.whereinspirationblooms.co.uk/product-page/spoon-carving-work...

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Where Inspiration Blooms