Karen Joy
Art specialisms: Painting

This year I am exhibiting for a month during April in Galleria on the Green High Street Chalfont St Giles
Then during May I am exhibiting in Piddington village hall OX25 1PU May 4th. 5th .6th 10th. 11th. 12th
For the 3 weekends during June and Bucks Art Weeks I’m back in Kingsey
August 3rd &4th I will be taking part in Leamington Spa Art in the Park, another very exciting and fun art festival with so many various artists
Karen Joy B.A.
I originally trained and worked as a picture restorer, and then went on to do a fine art degree course, as a mature student in my early 20s. Having then married, it was not until the family grew up that I allowed myself to start painting seriously. Originally, I started with watercolour, but having discovered acrylic I was hooked. I find this medium so totally adaptable, as it allows me to work in endless different ways, but always quickly and spontaneously. I work from the idea of either a specific place or feeling, and the painting is a reaction to this and the interaction with the paint at the time.
I work in my studio as often as possible, usually for up to 2 hour at a go, having to walk away for a while to re-evaluate whats going on and then return!!
Contact details:
website www.karenjoyart.weebly.com
email dandkjoy@live.co.uk