Bernie Grist
Art specialisms: Printmaking

Literary Landscapes – exhibition with Bodenpress – 19th May to 23rd June 2024 at Parndon Mill, Harlow, CM20 2HP
Tue-Fri 10.30-4.30; Sat and Sun 2-4pm
Bernie Grist is an Artist Printmker who enjoys using a range of hand-inked techniques to create impactful and colourful images responding to life. Inspiration comes from the natural world, thoughts and feelings, and from what she reads. The concept of layers provides a background relationship to her work – sometimes the subject matter, sometimes the print process where colours are built up or techniques combined. Bernie Is currently being inspired by rocks and water using collagraph, polymer etching and monoprint techniques.
Bernie has previously exhibited at the RA Summer Exhibition (2020), the National Original Print Exhibition (2019) at Bankside, and regularly exhibits with Bodenpress Artists in literary themed exhibitions.
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