Tlws Johnson

Kiln formed glass

House in the woods. Cast Glass Sculpure

Visit my established studio to see amazing colourful fused and cast glass. My latest venture has been into pouring red hot glass into sand moulds – very exciting and just a little bit dangerous. You will see the results. If you would like to have a go at a 10cm tile I will provide all the materials and aid, and even ideas from my extensive files. It is a very relaxing creative hour of activity.


The Old Stores Workshop
Main Street
MK18 4HZ

01296 712996

Art specialisms: Glass

Special information:
Venue suitable for visits by school parties by appointment, Easy car parking available, Appointments available at other times during and after Bucks Art Weeks, Practical demonstrations, Working studio where members normally create work during the year

Opening Dates and Times

June 2024

Sa Su Mo Tu We Th Fr 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23

W/Days: 11am-5.30pm
Sat: 11am-6pm
Sun: 11am-6pm