Susan Horler (CloakedinClay & InvetraGlass Art)

Sculptural & functional ceramics & glass art


With two streams of interest – ceramics and glass, I find much overlap between the two and experience with one feeds inspiration for the other. That said, each medium brings its own strength to the creative process. In ceramics, I chiefly use sculptural, throwing, and casting techniques to create a diverse range of work, inspired particularly by local landscapes, animals and conservation. I‘m also excited by fiery experimentation with Raku. The joy of a piece surviving the thermal stresses and having an attractive aesthetic cannot be overstated. From an early interest in stained and etched glass, I am now exploring the wonders of heat work on glass, through casting and fusing. Of particular interest is the ancient process of Pate de Verre, to make vessels out of ‘grains’ of glass. The transformative properties of ceramics and glass have served us for millennia in the creation of both functional and art forms and provide me with endless sources of inspiration.


The Little Bird Gallery
The Barn Courtyard
25 High Street
HP22 6DU

07774 131776

Instagram: cloakedinclay

Art specialisms: Ceramics ,Glass

Special information:
Venue suitable for visits by school parties by appointment, Easy car parking available, Access for wheelchair users, Refreshments available, Practical demonstrations

Opening Dates and Times

June 2024

Sa Su Mo Tu We Th Fr 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23

W/Days: 10am- 5pm
Sat: 10am – 5pm
Sun: 10.30-2.30pm