Susan Brooke
Gardens, botanical studies in mixed media.

Home studio in a garden setting which provides subject matter for botanical studies, garden scenes and landscapes in watercolour, oil, pastel and gouache, plus a series of pastels of Monet’s garden at Giverny and Italian scenes.
Turn east off A413 at Great Missenden onto B485 Frith Hill to Chesham Road. White gothic cottage set back in lay-by 100 yards uphill on left. Limited parking in lay-by.
The Studio
Overstroud Cottage
Frith Hill
HP16 9QE
01494 862701
susanmbrooke@outlook.comArt specialisms: Mixed media ,Painting
Special information:
Easy car parking available, Working studio where members normally create work during the year
Opening Dates and Times
June 2024
W/Days: 12noon-4pm
Sat: 12noon-4pm
Sun: Closed