Marie Jones

Felted wool & embroidery art

Moon light on the loch created with felted wool and embroidery in blues, ochres and greens.

My work is deeply rooted in my connection to the natural world and inspired by my love of the outdoors.
Wool fibres, threads and textiles are wonderfully wound, bound and combined to capture the beauty of our wild landscapes and coastlines. I am very much looking forward to my first BAW in Haddenham, exhibiting and demonstrating alongside host Liz Dee (The Silver Workshop) and William Rolls (Eva’s Garden Pottery).
For sneaky peaks of works in progress head across to
For news of upcoming events and felting tips, request to join my e-mail list here


151 Churchway
HP17 8LG

07511 949010

Instagram: mariejones.fibreart
Facebook: jonesfibreart

Art specialisms: Textiles

Special information:
Easy car parking available, Appointments available at other times during and after Bucks Art Weeks, Refreshments available, Practical demonstrations

Opening Dates and Times

June 2024

Sa Su Mo Tu We Th Fr 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23

W/Days: 11am-5pm
Sat: 11am-5pm
Sun: 11am-5pm