Lesley Keck

Landscape paintings in mixed media & oils

Stony Stratford Artists Group


Lesley has a love of the outside world. Having worked as a garden designer for over 20 years she has an eye for composition and design in her paintings. Since retiring she has concentrated on her artwork moving from mixed media, using pastels, collage and watercolour into oils.

I am exhibiting with a great group of artists; Laurie Keck, Jennifer McAllister, Helen Abbott, Sam Burke, Anna Woodhead and Melanie Mosaics in the lovely market town of Stony Stratford with lots of interesting shops. The art will be displayed indoors and in our large and beautiful garden. We will have a rota of artists but I will be there every day. Refreshments will be available [all proceeds to our local Willen Hospice]. There is ample free parking. There may be the chance to see demonstrations and studios.


4 Claremont Avenue
MK11 1HH

07771 758692

Instagram: lesleykeck4

Art specialisms: Mixed media ,Painting

Special information:
Venue suitable for visits by school parties by appointment, Easy car parking available, Appointments available at other times during and after Bucks Art Weeks, Refreshments available, Practical demonstrations, Working studio where members normally create work during the year

Opening Dates and Times

June 2024

Sa Su Mo Tu We Th Fr 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23

W/Days: 10.30am-5pm
Sat: 10.30am-5pm
Sun: 10.30am-5pm