Jonquil Bennett
Landscape paintings in oils & acrylics

I am a landscape painter using oils and acrylics, based in Adstock just south of Buckingham. I love that moment when nature captures my breath, and this sustains my enthusiasm for painting. My inspirations are light, colour, atmosphere, and the abundance of nature, and I’m repeatedly enthralled by the beauty of our native countryside. I paint the loveliness of English scenes locally in Buckinghamshire and beyond, which also includes paintings done in Southern Spain where I spend time each year. I’m not formally trained, and find encouragement and have learned skills from an abundance of sources. I paint directly from life, in the studio, and can accept commissions. I usually have a solo exhibition each year, and am also happy to have people view my paintings by appointment.
17 Northlands Road
MK18 2JJ
07990 644708
Instagram: jonquilbennettFacebook: Jonquil Bennett
Art specialisms: Painting
Special information:
Easy car parking available, Appointments available at other times during and after Bucks Art Weeks, Working studio where members normally create work during the year
Opening Dates and Times
June 2024
W/Days: 11am-5pm
Sat: 11am-5pm
Sun: 11am-5pm