Jennifer McAllister

Paintings in oil & acrylic

Stony Stratford Artists Group

Acrylic painting of people with Christmas lanterns in oranges, blues and pinks

Paintings in oils and acrylics, subjects including landscape and still life. I’m interested in colour and the abstract shapes created. As the painting develops, I’ll particularly consider colour relationships and the opacity of the paint to get a range of abstracted marks.
I am exhibiting with a group of talented artists; Laurie and Lesley Keck, Sam Burke, Helen Abbott, Anna Woodhead and Melanie Mosaics. Work will be displayed inside and in the beautiful garden. There will also be opportunities to see art demonstrations.


4 Claremont Avenue
MK11 1HH

07505 502641

Instagram: jennifer.mcallisterart
Facebook: art.jennifermcallister

Art specialisms: Painting

Special information:
Venue suitable for visits by school parties by appointment, Easy car parking available, Refreshments available, Practical demonstrations

Opening Dates and Times

June 2024

Sa Su Mo Tu We Th Fr 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23

W/Days: 10.30am-5pm
Sat: 10.30am-5pm
Sun: 10.30am-5pm