Christine Bass

Acrylic & mixed media landscape paintings

St Dunstan's

Pitstone Hill to Ivinghoe Beacon Painting Christine Bass

Acrylic and mixed media landscape paintings, characterised by saturated colour, flattened planes, and strong lines and shapes.

Most of my paintings are inspired by the landscapes of the Chilterns and the Ridgeway. I am especially interested in landscapes where the natural lie of the land is accentuated by man-made interventions such as tracks, farmed fields and hedgerows, planted woodland and reservoirs.

Showing with a group of established artists and makers in beautiful, medieval St Dunstan’s Church in Monks Risborough.

For photos and more info, please see

Easy parking on Mill Lane, off A4010. Trains and buses within walking distance.

Home-baked refreshments throughout show. Cream teas weekend afternoons.

NB New closing time at 4pm!


St Dunstan's Church
Burton Lane
Off Mill Lane
HP27 9JE

07986 245037


Art specialisms: Drawing ,Painting

Special information:
Easy car parking available, Appointments available at other times during and after Bucks Art Weeks, Access for wheelchair users, Refreshments available

Opening Dates and Times

June 2024

Sa Su Mo Tu We Th Fr 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23

W/Days: 10am-4pm
Sat: 10am-4pm
Sun: 12noon-4pm